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Broadcast Awards

Simon Finch

Director/Owner, Borough Productions

Simon Finch is a filmmaker whose most recent credits include the multi-award winner 'Elizabeth: The Unseen Queen', told in the former Queen's own words, and with her own participation, the BAFTA winner '9/11: Inside the President's War Room', marking the 20th anniversary of 9/11 with President Bush and his cabinet,  the EMMY-winner 'Inside North Korea's Dynasty', and the RTS-winner 'Dangerous Dynasty: House of Assad'.

He's best known for a trio of award-winning factual dramas, including the EMMY-winner 'Death of a President'. He's currently working for Disney+ on 'Ndrangheta, World Wide Mafia', a four-part production based on real events and focusing on the titanic struggle against the world’s most powerful organised crime group, being waged by Italy's leading anti-mafia magistrate, Nicola Gratteri.